Ohio Peace Office Training Academy

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Definations are displayed. KEY Terms are linked to explnations

The relationship between a SPO and a test question

Test questions must respond direct to an SPO and every SPO may be the basis of a test Question

The ultimate reason for law enforcement

To be able to protect the life and property of yourself and the public

Peace officers main goals

Enforce Laws,Perserve the peace, prevent crimes,protect civil rights and liberty,provide services

Items to consider when exercising discretion

Current agency plicy and how serious the crime is.Discretion may only be used during times in which formal enforcement may not be the only remedy. Determine if there are more constructive remedy to the situation, Use sound judgement to determine which Laws are to be formally enforced

Factor necessary for the commission of a crime

To commission a crime there needs to be desire, victim,and opportunity. Desire leg consists of motivation behind behavior. It is the most difficult to change . The victim leg constists of potential targets. criminals perfer easy targets. it is difficult to change individual personalities. the third leg opertunity is the most effective area for law enforcement to concentrate in crime prevention. Security is a major way to remove opportunity in crime. Removal of any one of these three legs will make the commision of a crime unsuccessful.

The core concepts of community policing

Partnership between the police and community, crime pprevention, organizational change of the agency, A problem solving approach to the police role that is proactive

Considerations for off duty situations

Behavior, an officers behavior is often scrutinized physical and verbal. actions even online officers are expected to uphold the law enforcement code of ethics. if a situation occures while off duty remain aleart, be ready to transation from civilian to officer quickly preplane with family in case of situation. be familiar with off duty weapon policy be a good witness if a crime dose happen contact dispach as soon as possible

Purpose of the Bill of Rights

Protect an individuals freedoms, Prevent the goverment from interfearing in protected rights

Major components of the criminal justice system

Law enforcement (police officer Deputy sheriff)- Keep the peace, apprehend violators and combat crime, prevent crime, provide social services. Courts- Hold fair and impartial trials(ensure Due Precess), Determine guilt of innocence,impose sentences on the guilty,key personnel includes Judges, Prosecutors and defence attorneys. Corrections- Responsible for supervising the offender, Prisions/county jails,Parole,Half way House, Probation, Work release Programs.

Goals of Sentencing

Punich the offender and in many cases rehabilitate the offender, Protect socicty, Restore the victim as much as possible

Concepts of lawful actions and police legitimacy

Lawful - Defined by laws and standards. criminal law identifies what actions are prohibited. rules of agency.(Administration rules, General order, Standard operatiing procedures. Constutional Law (fourth, Fifth,six amendments). Officers can act lawfully and within the parameters of agncy policy and the citizenry still no percevied there to be police legitimacy. There can be lawfull but awful intenteractions. Police Legitimacy exists when the Public views The police as Authorized to Exercise Power in Order to Maintain Social Order, Manage Conflicts, and solve Problems in the community.

Police legitimacy in action with positive results

Judgment- The public trust and confidence in the police as being honest, trying to do jobs well, trying to protect the community. Result - individuals are more likely to become actively involved in police communities partnership.
Judgement - Public willingness to defer to the law and police authority. Result- There is a correlation between those who obey the laws and those who view the police as legitimate in addation those who see the police as legitimit have an increased willingness to cooperate by reporting crimes and providing valuable information about known and suspected offenses.
Judgement- Public belief that police ations are morally justified and approprate. Result- citizens are more likely to cooperate and dfer in moments of crisis.

when it is permissible for citizens to film police

at least one party to the encounter consents or when officers are carrying out their duties in public, so long as it does not interfere with the officers carrying out their duties.

Relationship between race, genetics, and physical characteristics

Race is a modern concept used to classify people by smilar observable physical characteristics.Race can be an easily misunderstood subject. it is not as many people think, based on genetics. Despite surface appearances humans are one of the most geneitcally similar of all species and within the human species there is no distinct generic profile that completely distinguishes one so-called race from another. This is because most geneitally influence traits like skin color hair eye shape athletilism and intelligence are inherited completely independent on one another.

Connection between in groups, out groups, and police legitimacy.

Some individuals interpret their encounters with police in terms of their groups societal position rather than or in addition to the immediate circumstances of the police contact.

Differentiate types of racism

Individual Racism- Internlized, unexpressed biases and prejudices based on race interpersonal racism occurs between individual by public expression of racial prejudice and hate made by individuals
Insitutional racism- race based disciminatory policies and treatments that are produced and perpetuated by instutions that result in inequitable oppprtunities and impacts, occurs within and between institutions includes the discriminory actions of individuals exercising the authory of the instuition.
Structural Racism- Refers to the collective way history culture and instutions reinforce and perpetuate racialtzed outcomes, even in the absencie of racist intent it is broadly encompossing. It touches all aspects of socity (history, politics, economics). Individuals include power inequalities unique access to oppertunities and differing policy outcomes by race weather or not intentional

identify the components of bias

Stereotypes- generalization about the perceived typical characteristics of a social category. We categorize people by age gender, race and role. Stereotypes do not necessarily have to have a negative connotation as social scientists point out that it is a was for our brain to quickly sort people into recognizable groups. Prejudices- an often negative prejudgment based on characteristics such as race, age, etc., that is not necessarily reasonable or logical. Attitude- positive or negative feelings associated with individuals or groups; the tendency to like or dislike or o act favorably or unfavorably, toward someone or something

Bias- based profiling VS. Criminal Profiling

Bias- based profiling, racial profiling, and illegal profiling have the same meaning and are used interchangeably. Bias- Based profiling is unequal treatment by a law enforcement officer of any person by stopping questioning, searching, detaining or arresting him/her on the basis of the persons ethic or racial characteristics, gender, religion or sexual orientation criminal profiling- based on observed behaviors and characteristics. Bias- based profiling- the factors of race / ethnicity and bias toward that race are initiating, factors for law enforcement intervention

Explicit biases and Implicit biases

Explicit Bias and Implicit bias- common characteristics, everyone possesses them. They have real-world effects on behavior. Hey can relate for example, to race religion gender, sexuality, disability, height, weight, or age. Explicit bias- conscious preference (positive or negative) for a social category. Implicit Bias- Preference ( positive or negative) for a social category based on stereo types or attitudes that we hold and tend to develop early in life and that operate outside of out awareness. Implicit biases- are related to explicit biases, but they are still distinct concepts. While the two types of biases may reinforce each other implicit biases can be dissociated for explicit biases our implicit biases can be dissociated from explicit biases out implicit biases do not necessarily align wit out explicit beliefs. Implicit beliefs are largely hidden from us, but their effects are pervasive and powerful and understanding implicit biases is important because they have the potential to impact out interactions and efforts to effectively use procedural justice tactics to promote police legitimacy.

Two Modes of thinking

Automatic (system 1) – Unconscious, Effortless, Automatic, Uses Associative memory, vary fast Practical Purpose- Simplifies tasks ( Driving, tying shoes) which most adults can do without having to systematically and deliberately think about each step. It is a protection mechanism- we evaluate everything we see and everyone we meet within 200 milliseconds to determine if somethings is threating or not.
More Deliberative (system 2) – conscious, effortful, controlled deliberative,slower.

Strategies to Counter Implicit Biases

Guarding against its influence in decision making. Recognize that everyone has biases and think critically about your own personal biases, seek greater awareness and seek to increase personal motivation, know when you are susceptible. Conditions – Ambiguous or incomplete information. Time constraints compromised cognitive control, High Cognitive Load Processing many thoughts at one time, Fatigue. Results – when the previous factors are present which they often are in Law enforcement Profession we are more apt to switch to system 1. Response engage deliberative processing slow down your thinking. Overcoming Biases, recognizing your stereotypes and reflecting on way the response occurred creates a process to consider how to avoid the biased response and replace it with an unbiased one. Counter-Stereotype Imaging- Develop new associations by looking at positive examples that challenge negative associations. Obtain specific information about others who are different from you. Rather then relying on stereotypical references. Be empathetic. Effort required- Intention, Attention and time are needed to build new associations well enough for them to compete with a persons implicit biases.

Two Pronged approach to Procedural justice

Two-pronged approach to procedural justice. Person based approach- emphasizes the importance of face to face interactions between and officer and a citizen.
Community -Based model, ultimate goal is to achieve police legitimacy throughout entire society.

The Community bank Account

Every encounter is either a deposit or withdraw. The ability to increase or decrease the public perception of police legitimacy. Deposits- police must build up reserves of public trust through actions that reflect courtesy, kindness and honesty. Withdraws- occur from the community bank account when police action reflect overreaction, discourteous or disrespectful behavior. Or when police ignore people or betray their trust. If large reserve of trust is not sustained by continual deposits, the community – police relationship will deteriorate. Significant decrease in public approval of the police after major publicized incidents of misconduct. Studies show that even simple brief encounters can be used to build police legitimacy when, processes are explained and words are used that communicate respect. For a person holding negative attitudes toward police, a single positive encounter may not be sufficient to shake preexisting views, but a sustained exposure to positive interactions can start to reshape them.

Four Core Principles/Pillers of Procedural Justice

Give others a voice, Neutrality in decision making, Respectful treatment, Trustworthiness.
The opportunity for the citizen to make arguments and present evidence should occur before you make a decision about what how you are going to resolve the encounter. Use active listening.
Neutrality- people react positively to evidence that the authorities with whom they are dealing are neutral. The first secure the situations then explain the reason for your presence. When providing the explanation tell the truth, use simple language, be complete in your explanation. Check your decision making for effects of implicit biases. Right wrongs do not let pride get in the way of doing the right thing.
Respectful treatment is different then tolerance which is neither positive nor negative and requires minimal effort. It is practiced to increase awareness and effectiveness. It is demonstrated in a manor that values both us and those with whom we interact. Treat others with quality, Respect, and dignity. Make direct eye contact, address them with Quality, respect, and dignity. Make direct eye contact, address them appropriately, give them your undivided attention. Be sensitive to cultural differences. Don’t use inflammatory words or phrases. Thank them for their cooperation.
Trustworthiness- be professional but approachable, say hello, stop in neighborhood establishments and meet all the owners, do not stay in conversations with your partner to the extent that resident feel uncomfortable to approach you. Encourage community participation. Make a conscious effort to respond to the concerns of all residents. Do not become argumentative if a citizen has a complaint or concern, no matter the reasonableness of the complaint or concern instead, refer to the citizen to your agency complaint process and bring this issue to your supervisors intention.

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lights and switches



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lights and switches



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Service panel
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Service panel
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A Pot of Coffee before bed never hurt a soul. Brew it up an drink it down

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